
How We Hide Behind Our Style (& Special Invite!)

You've heard people say a zillion times to "fake it til you make it," or to "dress for the job you want," but what happens if dressing this way feels like lying? Or what happens when you have made it, or got the job you want? Are you still being yourself when you put on those fake-it clothes? Do you have a wardrobe that pushes you to honestly express who you are, throughout every sticky situation in life?

In the past few months, I've been noticing the myriad of ways people hide behind their clothes. Maybe it's physical, like wanting to hide a tummy, but sometimes it's emotional, like using your clothes to distract from what's really going on. Figuring out what message you'd like your style express is complicated, so let's just start by identifying how we're hiding, shall we?

Taking it Down a Notch

Sometimes there's a fine line between dressing up, as if to rise to the occasion, and using your style as a means of distraction from what's really going on. Sometimes when we go through something intense, we need to process things solo for a while. We use our style to say, "don't get close to me, I got this." I've seen this play out in loud, overly-embellished clothing that shouts, "DON'T YOU WORRY ABOUT ME!!" And it works! People are very sensitive to the signals your style can send. But when you're done with the internal work, and you're ready to connect again, it's important not to let your style hold you back. You can keep your boisterous style, while softening the edges a little bit.

Tip: Think about the themes you see play out in your wardrobe? LOTS of color, glam sparkle, print galore? Try wearing one piece at a time & start exploring the world of basics to puctuate the pizazz with a little more balance.

Taking it Up a Notch

Now the other side of the hiding coin is those of us who are so confused about our message, or so fearful of putting ourselves out there in the "wrong" way, that we completely opt out of the game. Not caring is way better than looking like you care TOO much, or tried and got it all wrong, right? Baggy, comfy clothes are a sweet way to feel swaddled through a tough time, but eventually, you may feel a little better & start making an effort again. Don't let yourself become paralyzed by the "I don't give a hoot" trap. Taking it up a notch can happen in stages, and you can go slow so it doesn't have to feel like a whole big huge change that makes you feel self-conscious all over again.

Tip: If literal hiding inside your baggy comfot clothes is what's happening, start with adding better-fitting, more tailored pieces, one piece at a time. Your bounce-back can be subtle and actually very stylish in it's balance.

One More Solution...

Are you ready to align who you are NOW with the clothes you wear, so that each day is an opportunity to present your badass, creative, confident self to the world? I believe that EVERYONE can have a style they love, regardless of their shape, level of passion, and financial means. That's why I have put together a free training called Clear the Clutter, Find Your Style, where I'll show you how to zero in on a style that works for you, connect the dots between your personality, lifestyle, and the clothes you wear, PLUS some awesome strategies for sorting your closet like a stylist. I'm pumped!

This call will take place on June 1st, and is the launch of a 4-week course I've created over the past six months (more info to come soon), so I'm THRILLED to share it with you. Sign up here to grab your spot on the call, and get the chance to win some amazing raffle items too! Yay!