Recently, I've been hearing from a lot of people who struggle to prioritize the little things, stuff like alone time, eating well, exercise, and getting dressed, of course. It's difficult to prioritize your wardrobe, especially if you've been waiting to lose that pesky 5lbs, or to get that windfall of cash to buy some new clothes. Recently a client told me that she'd like to have outfits she feels good enough in to inspire her to stay out after work. It got me thinking how many of us might be missing out on engaging with the world because we haven't been wearing clothes we love. We haven't been making style a priority. This to me is tragic!
Wearing clothing we feel great in encourages us to engage more deeply with the world. When we're engaged, we're happy, and we might even take better care of ourselves, or lose that weight. So how the heck do we start prioritizing our style, especially if it's been a while?